Monday 13 December, 17.30-19.00
Dr Tertia Barnett, Dr Joana Valdez-Tullett, Linda Marie Bjerketvedt (from the Scotland's Rock Art Project Team, Historic Environment Scotland) Not Set in Stone: New Perspectives on Scotland's Rock Art
About this talk: The talk is the product of five years recording and researching prehistoric rock carvings during Scotland’s Rock Art Project (2017-2021), funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council, and hosted by Historic Environment Scotland in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh and Glasgow School of Art. In this presentation we will present our final results and give an overview of our analysis of the large volume of detailed rock art data and 3D models co-produced with our Community Teams. We will explore the carvings at different scales of analysis, from the motifs and rock surface to their wider landscape context, using a series of spatial and statistical approaches to investigate specific questions about the character, chronology, distribution and role of rock art in the past. Our results offer exciting new insights, and revised perspectives on this important and fascinating part of our heritage.
About the speakers: This webinar will be presented by Dr Tertia Barnett (Principal Investigator), Dr Joana Valdez-Tullett (Research Assistant) and Linda Marie Bjerketvedt (Data Analyst) from the Scotland’s Rock Art Project (ScRAP) Team. The content of this talk represents the work of the many people who have been closely involved with the project: the other members of the ScRAP Team past and present (Freddie Alexander, Maya Hoole, Dr Stuart Jeffrey and Dr Guillaume Robin), our Community Team members who have given their time and energy so generously to the project, and all those who have supported us and shared this journey with us over the last five years.
Join us for this fascinating talk!