Rock Art Database


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Canmore ID 368625 SCRAP ID 1898
Location OS Grid Ref: NH 43972 59813 Team Not in team
Existing Classifications None.
Date Fieldwork Started 11/05/2017 Date Fieldwork Completed
New Panel? No  


A1. Identifiers

Panel Name ROGIE FARM Number 19
Other names
SM Number Other
Classifications And Periods
Classification 1 Cup And Ring Marked Rock Period 1 Neol/bronze Age

A2. Grid Reference(original find site)

OS NGR NH 43972 59813
New OS NGR NH 43972 59813
Lat/Long 57.60126 -4.61266
Obtained By: Mobile Phone

A3. Current Location & Provenance

  • At original location
Accession no. Not given

Section B. CONTEXT

B1. Landscape Context

Weather Sunny Intervals
Position in landscape Top of hill
Topography(terrain within about 500m of panel.) Undulating
Aspect of slope (if on sloping terrain e.g. S, SE etc.) E

B2. Current land use & vegetation

  • Wood/Forest

B3. Forestry

  • New Plantation

B4. Archaeological Features within 200m / or visible from the panel

  • Other rock art

B5. Location Notes

The panel is located on the top of a rocky outcrop at the E end of an E-W ridge. The ground falls away sharply to the E, and a flat-surfaced slab slopes steeply to the S. The ground is relatively level to the W and N. It is surrounded by trees, some very densely planted, and some were (with permission) cut back to make it visible. There is a large oak tree immediately to the S. The panel Rogie Farm 18 is about 15m to the SW and is an extension of the flat slab sloping to the S. Rogie Farm 77 is roughly 50m away (very difficult to judge in dense forest), much lower and to the SE. Note: There is no easy access to this panel, which is in young but almost impenetrable forest. From the S near the level crossing the ground is steep. From the N it is less steep, but further. In both cases it was necessary to cut branches from the trees to access this panel.

Section C. PANEL

C1. Panel Type

In the landscape Outcrop

C2. Panel Dimensions, Slope & Orientation

Dimensions of panel (m to one decimal place)
Length (longer axis) 6 Width 2.5
Height (max) 4 Height (min) 3.5
Approximate slope of carved surface
5 degrees degrees
Orientation (Aspect e.g. NW)
Rock Surface S Carved Surface W Carved Surface

C3. Rock Surface

Surface Compactness Hard Grain Size Medium Visible Anomalies Quartz Veins
Rock Type Schist

C4. Surface Features

  • Fissures/cracks
  • Smooth Surface

C5. Panel Notes

The exposed area of rock extends for about 6m E-W and about 2.5m N-S. The E end is a low cliff, the W end is much less distinct and the rock surface disappears under vegetation. There are 8 distinct cups and 2 indistinct ones on the main rock surface. One of the cups has a faint ring. A triangular section of rock, separated by deep cracks , has two grooves and an indistinct cup. There is one further cup towards the W end of the panel. Close by that cup is an intrusion of granitic material, coarse crystals of quartz and mica being most prominent.

C6. Probability

The probability that there is any rock art on the panel is Definite


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Cup and Rings

Visible Tool Marks? No

Visible Peck Marks? No


D1. Access

  • Right to Roam access.
  • Access is managed by a national organisation.

D2. Awareness

  • Panel was known before the project.
There are stories or folk traditions associated with this panel No

D3. Risk

  • Large areas of the rock are covered in lichen, moss or algae.
  • There are shrubs growing on the rock surface.
  • There are trees nearby whose roots might disturb the rock.
  • No selection
Comments and other potential threats

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