ScRAP Conference Workshop 1


Workshop 1: Protecting and promoting scotland's rock art

This workshop focuses on the practice of protecting and promoting rock art in Scotland, and how communities and the wider public are involved in this. In a series of short talks, experts from Historic Environment Scotland, Archaeology Scotland and Forestry and Land Scotland will outline what their work entails, and its implications for enhancing the value and sustainability of rock art. 

Allan Rutherford, Deputy Head of Designations, Historic Environment Scotland

Recognising Scotland's rock art through statutory designation

In Scotland, nationally important monuments are recognised through being designated as scheduled monuments. Currently there are around 150 sites designated as scheduled monuments that contain rock art. Some of these sites are designated primarily for their rock art, while with others the rock art is part of a larger monument. This amounts to less than 2% of the schedule. When this figure is set against the known resource of recorded rock art (such as the 3000 or so prehistoric carved rocks reported by SCRAP ), this proportion is rather small. This paper will explore how we go about designating rock art, looking at some recent examples, and explaining how everyone can get involved in the designation process.

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Dr Jennifer Thoms, Archaeology Scotland

Discovery and Excavation in Scotland

Discovery and Excavation in Scotland (DES) is Archaeology Scotland’s journal of current archaeological work. Compiled every year it lists excavations, surveys, post-excavation and research projects undertaken by commercial, academic and community archaeologists. Entries submitted for publication in DES are entered onto Canmore, Historic Environment Scotland’s online catalogue to Scotland’s archaeology, buildings, industrial and marine heritage. This short presentation will look at how to submit an entry to DES using the website and the more traditional “paper” form, and some of the advantages of doing so.

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Phil Richardson and Paul Murtagh, Archaeology Scotland 

Adopt-a-Monument: here to help? 

Adopt-a-Monument (AaM) is a nationwide community-led archaeology scheme that provides community groups with practical advice, training and skills development to care for, conserve and celebrate their local archaeology. The programme supports groups and individuals to get involved in activities to improve the condition, accessibility and interpretation of their chosen sites, and to help develop long term social and community improvement through archaeology. Begun in the early 1990s Adopt-a-Monument has delivered over 100 conservation projects, including several that involve rock art. Join us as we discuss how AaM can assist with developing and implementing your project.  

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Matt Ritchie, Forestry and Land Scotland Archaeologist

Introducing A Song in Stone

Forestry and Land Scotland’s new learning resource A Song in Stone uses an inspirational blend of objective recording, subjective analysis and narrative interpretation to encourage both critical and creative thinking arts. As both illustrated reference material and integrated learning resource, the practitioner is prepared with detailed knowledge and innovative ideas for their learners. A fresh take on a fascinating subject, A Song in Stone will be of interest to teachers, archaeological educators and anyone with an interest in the presentation and interpretation of our ancient past.

A Song in Stone was produced by Forestry and Land Scotland in partnership with Historic Environment Scotland and Kilmartin Museum. It was produced as part of Scotland's Rock Art Project and is free to download.

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