We have selected a number of books and articles that you might find useful if you are interested in learning more about the rock art of Scotland, Britain, and Ireland, as well as other parts of the world. Many of the articles listed here are freely available on-line, but a few have more restricted access.
We would really like to hear from you if you have enjoyed reading something that is not on our lists. If you send us details about it we will add it to this website.
This section provides further information and detailed guidance to help you explore, record, and learn more about rock art in Scotland, and elsewhere in the world.
Rock art has the power to capture young people's imagination. It can be a fertile ground for learning about how people made sense of their world in the past, and how prehistoric beliefs were expressed and shared widely. This section promotes a learning resource focusing on rock art, produced by Forestry and Land Scotland.
You can download all our Guidance Notes from this section. These documents provide detailed information to help you prepare for your fieldwork, identify, record and photograph rock art, and create 3D models.
This section is dedicated to sharing many different outputs from the Scotland's Rock Art Project, and other rock art-related resources. You can listen to audio recordings, watch videos, and download our publications.
If you are interested in knowing what we and our Community Teams are up to, and what we have planned, you can find out in our Spring and Autumn Newsletters!
There are many different forms of rock art in the world, dating from over 40,000 years ago to present day. We have selected a number of websites where you can find out more about the richness and variety of rock art.
In this section you can download a number of documents and other related resources, such as our promotional leaflet and our booklet about Scotland's rock art, as well as the rock art learning resource produced collaboratively with Forestry and Land Scotland!