Other Readings

Academic Theses

Alves, L. B. (2003) The movement of signs. Post-glacial rock art in north-western Iberia. PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Reading.

Cruz-Berrocal, M. (2005) Paisaje y arte rupestre, Ensayo de contextualización arqueológica y geográfica de la pintura levantina. PhD Thesis submitted to Universidade Complutense de Madrid

Cussen, R.-M. (2009) Regionality in Prehistoric Rock Art Motifs of Ireland. MA Dissertation submitted to the Durham University

Díaz-Guardamino, M. (2009) Las Estelas Decoradas en La Prehistoria de la Peninsula Iberica. PhD Thesis submitted to Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Enlander, R. (2013) Prehistoric art and the cultural landscapes of north of Ireland: a contextual and interpretative study. PhD Thesis submitted to Queen’s University Belfast

Fairén-Jiménez, S. (2004) Arte Rupestre y territorio. El paisaje de las primeras comunidades productoras en las comarcas centro-meridionales Valencianas. PhD Thesis submitted to the Universidad de Alicante (Spain)

Finlay, F. (1973) The Rock Art of Cork and Kerry. MA Dissertation submitted to the University College Cork

Jones, A.M. and Cochrane, A. (2018) The Archaeology of Art: Materials, practices, affects. London: Routledge

Lionain, N. (2014) The Legacy of Míl: Modern perceptions of Prehistoric Irish-Iberia connection. PhD Thesis submitted to University College Dublin

O’Connor, B. (2006) Inscribed landscapes: contextualising prehistoric rock art in Ireland. 2 vols. PhD Thesis submitted to University College Dublin

Robin, G. (2008) Neolithic passage tomb art around the Irish Sea. Iconography and spatial organization. PhD Thesis submitted to the Université de Nantes (France).

Sharpe, K. (2007) Motifs, monuments and mountains. Prehistoric rock art in the Cumbrian landscape. PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Durham

Thomas, A. (2016) Art and Architecture in Neolithic Orkney. Process, Temporality and Context. PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Highlands and Islands

Valdez-Tullett, J. (2017) Design and Connectivity: the case of Atlantic Rock Art. 2 Vols. PhD Thesis submitted to the University of Southampton