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Canmore ID |
304862 |
869 |
Location OS Grid Ref: |
NH 39561 57838
Team |
Not in team
Existing Classifications
Classification |
Period |
Date Fieldwork Started |
12/10/2017 |
Date Fieldwork Completed |
New Panel? |
No |
A1. Identifiers
Panel Name |
Number |
1 |
Other names |
Scatwell 56A |
SM Number |
Other |
56A (Nosas project 2006-09) |
Classifications And Periods
Classification 1 |
Cup Marked Stone |
Period 1 |
Neol/bronze Age |
A2. Grid Reference(original find site)
NH |
39560 |
57838 |
New OS NGR |
NH |
39561 |
57838 |
Lat/Long |
57.58199 |
-4.68508 |
Obtained By: |
A3. Current Location & Provenance
Located |
Accession no. |
Not given |
B1. Landscape Context
Weather |
Position in landscape |
Hillside |
Topography(terrain within about 500m of panel.) |
Sloping |
Aspect of slope (if on sloping terrain e.g. S, SE etc.) |
S |
B2. Current land use & vegetation
B3. Forestry
B4. Archaeological Features within 200m / or visible from the panel
- Other rock art
- Field System
B5. Location Notes
This boulder sits on a terrace on a S facing slope overlooking the Conon River valley at its junction with the River Meig; it has wide views to the S and the W. It is 150m NW of the Allt a'Chuilinn. The forest track running on the west side of the burn is just 20m from the boulder and a deer fence is located 50m to the N.
Previous Notes
The site comprises one main boulder panel and six ìsatellitesî (NOSAS Site Survey Nos 056 A - G). The principal site lies on a natural terraceat an altitude of 180m, about 1.5kms N of Little Scatwell with an open aspect S overlooking Strathconon. The present day land surface is characterised by clear felling amid commercial forestry although there is evidence of formerly improved land in the vicinity with a number of large enclosures and a complex field system to the SE as well as a number of cairns which may not just relate to clearance.
056A at NH 39560 57838. The largest panel is on a large boulder of mica schist 2m x 2m x 1m high. The upper surface is slopes NE and has 54 discernable cups, and possibly a further 10 or 12 which are less obvious. The cups are approx 5 - 7cms in diameter, ranging from 4cms to 9cms and a maximum depth of 2cms. Two pairs of cups overlap each other and natural cracks in the boulder appear to link some of the cups. On the E edge of the upper surface there is some recent damage but this has not affected the decoration.
056B at NH 39192 57963. An earth-fast boulder with a triangular footprint situated near the edge of a gently sloping terrace above Conon Falls at c160m OD, in an area of clear felling with a view into Glen Marksie and the lower end of Loch Luichart. It measures c2m x c2m x c2m, rising c1m resembling a rounded pyramid, with a single cup c7cm in diameter and 2cm deep at the high point.
056C at NH 39490 57820. An earth-fast boulder with an approximately triangular footprint situated close to a steep break of slope at c180m OD, in an area of clear felling with an aspect into Strathconon towards Scatwell Home Farm. It measures c3m x c3m x 2m, rising to c1.5m in the form of a peaked ridge, with a single cup c8cm in diameter and 1cm deep at its highest point.
056D at NH 39588 5780. An earth-fast boulder located set in an area of clear felling near to the top of a broad gully, at c175m OD. It has a roughly trapezoidal footprint and an upper surface sloping steeply to the SE, c2m x c1.5m x 2m x c1.2m, and c0.5m above ground level at its upper end - less at its lower end, with 2 definite and one possible cups on its upper surface. The cups are dispersed, and vary in size, being c8cm, c6cm and c4cm across, and c1cm to 2cm deep.
056E at NH 39281 5474. A large earth fast boulder measuring 2.6m NE x SW x 1m wide and 1m high on the down slope side with one definite slightly oval cup and 2 possible smaller cups visible.
056F at NH3930 57494. A massive earth-fast boulder approximately 2.5m square x 1.3 m high on the down slope side; there is one large distinct cup 7.5cm x 1.5cm deep and two smaller cups forming a triangle. On the steep E sloping face of the boulder toward the base is another possible cup, and on the large slab that leans against the main is another possible cup also near the base.
056G at NH 39977 5713. A small earth-fast boulder about 1.1m x 0.9m, just 0.4m high has 6 well formed but eroded cups arranged roughly in an arc.
Information supplied by North of Scotland Archaeological Society
C1. Panel Type
In the landscape |
Boulder/Slab |
C2. Panel Dimensions, Slope & Orientation
Dimensions of panel (m to one decimal place)
Length (longer axis) |
2.1 |
Width |
2 |
Height (max) |
1.1 |
Height (min) |
0.6 |
Approximate slope of carved surface
Orientation (Aspect e.g. NW)
Rock Surface |
NE |
Carved Surface |
NE |
Carved Surface |
C3. Rock Surface
Surface Compactness |
Grain Size |
Visible Anomalies |
Not Visible
Rock Type |
C4. Surface Features
- Fissures/cracks
- Smooth Surface
Other: Damage caused by machinery (does not impact on carvings)
C5. Panel Notes
This is a large boulder of mica-schist. The upper surface of the panel faces NE and has 50 cups, of which 8 are probables; 18 are over 5cms in diameter. There are also 2 sets of dumbells. In the E section of the rock surface there is scoring damage caused by machinery, although this does not impact on the cups
C6. Probability
The probability that there is any rock art on the panel is
8 of the cups are probable
Visible Tool Marks? No
Visible Peck Marks? No
D1. Access
- Right to Roam access.
- Panel is on Private land.
D2. Awareness
- Panel was known before the project.
- This panel is known to others in the local community.
There are stories or folk traditions associated with this panel No
D3. Risk
- Large areas of the rock are covered in lichen, moss or algae.
Comments and other potential threats
Minor threat from roaming deer, also forestry machinery (although the rock is now known about) and self seeded birch trees